Our Geese

Greylag Goose

This is a classic domestic goose, a longtime fixture on  farms. It is very fast growing and similar to the Snow Goose. Directly descended from the Greylag Goose through centuries of patient selection, the Toulouse Goose is the queen of geese. It is a powerful bird that has grey plumage with a white border on each feather. Ganders  weigh between 10 and 12 kg  and geese weigh up to 10 kg.  It is raised mainly for foie gras and confit.

The Graylag Goose  we offer is called G36, a selection of Grimaud frères. It is a grey goose suitable for force-feeding. She came from an MG 72 male and an FG 72 female. She reached a weight of 7 kg at 80 days and 7.5 kg at 90 days. The liver weighs 700  grams and the breastt 700 grams at 80 days.

Snow Goose

The Snow Goose we offer is called G35, a  Grimaud frères selection. It is a cross between  an MG71 male and an MG70 female. It attains  a weight of 4.6 kg at 63 days and 5.8 kg at 115 days.

Contact us

6930, route Marie-Victorin
Sainte-Croix (Québec), Canada
G0S 2H0
Tel.: 418 926 2444
Fax: 418 926 2351
Email: laferme@lafermeduplaton.com